National Security at Stake: Chairman Mark Green’s Revelations Ignite Calls for ‘Derelict’ DHS Secretary Mayorkas’ Impeachment

Mark Green

House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Mark Green joined John Solomon and Amanda Head on Thursday’s edition of Just the News, No Noise to discuss the impeachment of Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas – whose policies are adding to the chaos at the southern border.

Green detailed the list of Mayorkas’ violations, including claims that the Biden administration official has repeatedly violated laws, defied court rulings, and provided misleading information to Congress.

Of particular concern, Green noted, is the influx of military-aged males and potential threats from countries like China.

The dysfunction of the southern border and Mayorkas’ unwillingness to follow the laws put in place by congress is a “dereliction of duty” the committee chairman said.


John Solomon: Tennessee Congressman and House Homeland Security Chairman Mark Green joins us now. He made that hearing possible yesterday.

Mr. Chairman, great to have you on the show, sir.

Rep. Mark Green: Thanks, John. Thanks for having me on.

John Solomon: I watched every minute of the hearing that I could yesterday.

It was really compelling and we all know the crisis; we all know the visuals – but yesterday, being able to lay out how often Alejandro Mayorkas told Congress something that wasn’t true, did something that was in violation of a court order, or in violation of the laws that Congress passed. You laid it out so succinctly.

I think Americans got a lesson that they probably have been denied by the news media before. A pretty important moment, I think, for the country yesterday.

Rep. Mark Green: Yeah, thanks. Thanks for having me on.

The big debate is whether this is just an argument over the policy differences of one administration or the other, or this rises to high crimes and misdemeanors. And what I think is it rises to high crimes and misdemeanors because the founders were really clear about that.

It’s abuse of office, it’s dereliction of duty that results in harm to the country.

And this secretary has very clearly defied the laws passed by our Congress, particularly the Immigration and Nationality Act, which says you’re to detain people when they come in. He hasn’t done that. 85 percent are being released now immediately after showing up at the border.

It says that you are to basically put them into a judicial process. They’re not doing that. If you come via the CBP one app. You just get released – 95.8 percent of those get immediately released. All the policies that he’s created have basically broken many aspects of that law, turned it into an open border.

He’s also defied four court rulings that have said, ‘Look, you have to cease and desist your activities because you’re in defiance of laws passed by Congress.’

And as I recall from my education on the constitution and my reading of the constitution, it is the Congress that writes the law.

The executive branch gets to execute those laws – they don’t get to make them up; they don’t get to pick and choose which ones they’re going to follow.

And oh, by the way – he did take an oath to defend that constitution. So he’s violated his oath, too.

Also lied to the United States congress on multiple, multiple occasions and lied to the American people over a hundred times.

I mean, this guy, he has no respect for the founding document. The Constitution of the United States or a co-equal branch or co-equal branches of government because he’s defying judiciary, too.

John Solomon: Yeah, that’s a great point.

Amanda Head: Mr. Chairman, was there any sense for you, because as I was watching, I kind of waffled back and forth, was there any sense for you that he wanted to be truthful.

And I ask that with the premise that we had Brandon Judd on earlier in the week. And he talked about how, when he had a face-to-face with the secretary, that he was able to get him to admit that 85 percent of the illegals coming into our nation illegally are being released.

And he talked about how there was kind of these two “Alejandro Mayorkases” – the one who seems to be capitulating to this administration and being a little funny with the numbers, and then the one who may actually want to tell the truth.

Did you find that both of those men showed up Wednesday or one of the other?

Rep. Mark Green: Well, Mayorkas did not show up, Amanda, yesterday. We actually sent him a request in August, a request in September, and he refused to come then.

We recently, just two weeks ago, sent him another request to come as a part of the impeachment proceedings, and he basically said he couldn’t make it that day because he was entertaining Mexican officials.

So it’s pretty clear to me that this Secretary puts Mexico over America.

We’re a co-equal branch of government.

We’re doing his impeachment, we sent him with plenty of time to adjust his schedule and he didn’t even respond within the deadline. I mean, his passive-aggressive nature with us is just off the charts.

So we’re, we’re going to go ahead and move forward with the impeachment, I guess, without him coming.

John Solomon: Yeah, important letters you’ve been sending him. He just is disregarding them. You often can judge a person’s motive by the way they act. And last week you and the speaker went down to the border. It was historic.

One of the largest CODELS – congressional delegations – ever to go to the border at once. And just before you got there, according to a letter you sent last night, Alejandro Mayorkas and his team did something pretty jarring. Could you tell us what you revealed in your letter last night?

Rep. Mark Green: Well, it’s basically the issue of flow, right?

So they altered – they made it sanitary so that when we got there, everything looked just pristine. And I’m not sure the cartels didn’t have their contribution to it, too. You know, they are the ones that ultimately control flow from the southern part of the border. But yeah, we went from like 10 to 12 thousand a day to almost just a few hundred. So it was very clear that things had been sanitized and we didn’t see what was happening just days before we got there.

John Solomon: Hijacking the crime scene. It’s just remarkable. Unbelievable.


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